FreeBSD: nvidia-driver installation

After installing FreeBSD to my workstation, I wanted a desktop environment. I’ve installed gnome3 after reading the official documentation But nothing has worked. So, I installed the nvidia-driver for my two GPUs. The first documentation I’ve found is from “7.3-RELEASE”: (I use 11.1-RELEASE) Don’t use that documentation to make your settings in /boot/loader.conf! There stands: nvidia_load="YES" And that’s simply not right for the newest driver! You should enter the following line:
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FreeBSD and Windows 10 Dual-Boot

Yesterday I have installed FreeBSD alongside to a existing Windows 10 instance on my Workstation. Today, I want to show you how to do it. Prerequisites My setup is a SSD with Windows 10 already installed and more than 100 GB free space. Procedure Install FreeBSD normally (but pay attention to use the free space for FreeBSD during the partitioning). After the install, you can switch to the shell to take final settings.
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