Introducing network.txt: A Standard for 3rd Party Data Transparency

In today’s digital age, privacy and data protection have become major concerns for both website visitors and developers. With the introduction of GDPR laws, it’s important for websites to provide clear information about the sharing of personal data with 3rd party providers. This is where the proposed standard, network.txt, comes into play. What is network.txt? network.txt is a new standard that provides information about the use of 3rd party providers on a website.
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Cost of Political Party Membership in the EU

When I was a kid, I completely ignored politicians and thought they were unnecessary. Now, I understand they are here to represent the people and try to prevent that different groups inside our society kill each other by defining the rules of how our communities work. I am interested to bring my thoughts into this by joining a political party. There are big differences in how much such a membership costs in a country, but even bigger ones when you compare political parties from different countries.
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