Why Communism doesn’t work
Modern Communists are hard to argue with. Mostly because they say things like “There never was a real communist country”. So it’s hard to take real world examples, because they say countries like the Soviet Union, German Democratic Republic, Cuba or China “never were truly communist”.
But I argue there can never be a “truly communist” country. Why? Because it is impossible to create that after my opinion. So if you are open for different opinions, then continue reading. I will explain why.
Desires of Humans⌗
Before we can describe the problem with Communism, we have to understand what motivates people and what people desire. That also explains why people are successful in Capitalism.
A normal human being has desires like traveling the world, owning a house and, more importantly, be healthy, be able to eat and drink every day, have a family. All these things need Resources and other people have to work for you (e.g. creating bricks for your house, building the house, planting grains) for fulfilling these dreams.
Most people also don’t want to work hard until they die.
Dream World⌗
Communists want to live in a nice house, eat good food and drinks, and don’t want to work too long. But there is a Problem: Even in the modern world, we don’t have the productivity and neither the resources to let everybody own a house, eat great food and be happy every day.
So for fulfilling these dreams, the world actually would need to be more productive, which in turn would mean working harder and longer for everybody. But then, in turn, we wouldn’t have the time to actually enjoy these things.
The Catch⌗
In the modern world, if you understand how the system works, you have many ways of earning enough money for fulfilling these dreams. So there is a way for you to have a better life than the average Joe.
These people who find ways to have a better life than other people are not wanted in a Communist world. So there is a need for a ruling party which enforces the rules and prevents people to gain more than others.
So a Communist world can never be a free world for everyone because the people who want to have more are not allowed to do so. That’s why all ruling parties in Communist countries are so strong.
These ruling parties, however, have more power than the rest of the Society. So that’s basically the paradox of Communism. Communism doesn’t want to be a two class system, but it has to be because otherwise the basic Idea of Communism can’t be enforced.
Human Nature⌗
Now, some people who believe in Communism think that they would be in the ruling party. I don’t think so. Why? Because the people who are successful in Capitalism are not successful because they love Capitalism so much, no! They are successful because they learn how the System works and do everything which is needed for gaining more than others.
In a communist World, these successful Capitalist people would do everything for learning how the systems works and how they can get into the ruling party.
So after my opinion, most people who believe in Communism today would be victims of the system in a communist World and some people who are successful in Capitalism today would be the Rulers of the Communist System.
Because, after all, this world is neither about Communist nor Capitalist Ideologies. This World is about people who have desires. Some people are ready to do everything for fulfilling these and others just dream.
Some people now might come and say Anarchism is somehow connected with Communism, but that’s bullshit. When there is no Authority, everybody can do what they want. So some people can just steal things and gain more than others. That’s neither Communism nor Capitalism, it’s its own kind of System.
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